Saturday, May 16, 2009

Terminator Salivation

Terminator: Salvation comes out this month and even though they are hyping the hell out of it, I can't say that I'm itching to see it. I know that sounds shocking, being the scifi dork that I am but Terminator 3 was a total abomination.

I honestly couldn't stomach that one. It took everything that James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger created and just peed all over it.

I remember laughing out loud in the theater at this scene, which is a blatant commercial for the weight loss supplement Xenadrine!!!

Seriously guys? Terminator 2:Judgement Day is the holy grail of scifi/action and this is how you follow it up?

Since James Cameron ceased to be involved with the series after T2, I doubt any subsequent sequels will be any good. Special effects artist Stan Winston recently passed away so his unique creature design will also be noticeably absent... and I'm sure there will be no room for Michael Bein...

Btw, why does Michael Bein always play a frickin' military dude?

Terminator as Kyle Reese: Soldier of the Future

Aliens as Cpl. Dwayne Hicks: See previous description

The Abyss as Lt. Hiram Coffey: The Crazy Navy Seal

NAVY Seals as Lt. James Curran: The Teen Beat NAVY Seal

The Rock as Commander Anderson: Military Commander

So yeah, like I was saying, I can't wait to go see the new Terminator movie!

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