Kris Allen wins! He was clearly as shocked as the rest of us by this announcement at the end of last night's American Idol Finale. He was by no means favored to win, but he seemed to have beat all of the odds and come out victorious.

A couple of my favorite moments of the show were Norman Gentle's antics and when Kara DioGuardi showed up to out-sing and out-bikini Bikini Girl herself!
About an hour after Kris' surprise win, my excitement subsided. I began to wonder how Kris could have won when he is clearly not as skilled a performer as Adam nor is he as dynamic a singer. I can't help but sense that the outcome is a result of American homophobia. I believe that even if there was only a small percentage of people who voted against Adam because he is gay, it was probably enough to skew the vote in Kris' favor.

This thought has stuck with me. Even though I don't like Adam's melodramatic style and false modesty, I can clearly see that he is more seasoned than Kris and by all accounts should have been the victor. It seems to me that this is just another manifestation of modern society's unwillingness to accept yet another minority group.
Gay is the new Black.
Newsflash, America: Gay people exist! They have always been here and they always will be! Get over yourself if you think that they should not be afforded the same privileges, accolades and rights as someone else trying just as hard.
I am still happy that Kris won because I think he's a great talent. He has a sincere connection with music and plenty of room to grow as a musician/performer. I am just saddened at the revelation that perhaps America itself may still have a long way to grow.
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