(They should have offered him a role in the new Star Trek)
I really think he's a talented singer and performer but I just can't stand all of the theatrics! When this guy hits the stage it's like watching Grease or the Rocky Horror Picture Show... Now to some of you that may sound like a fun time...But me, I just can't stand it! I'm allowed to despise musical theater having participated in it all throughout high school!

Lambert's performance of U2's ONE was completely bizarre to me. I am utterly baffled as to why the judges thought it was brilliant. He totally changed the melody in the second half of the song! WTF??? You can embellish a melody, but to just make up a new one??? It sounded like he was stomping on a cat.
I hate to poo poo Adam's popularity, but this season was probably the best group of talent all along the way. (I've seen just about every episode since the second season - I really wanted Clay to win back then, Rueben was soooo boring!) Alison, Danny and even Kris were all fun to watch and great contenders, but I see why Adam will win... I just don't want him to!
It really doesn't matter who wins at this stage of the game. The show, the judging and the voting has pretty much been rendered useless. It's pretty clear that all of the remaining contestants are going to get record contracts regardless what happens. It's obvious that the Judges (Simon, Paula, Randy and that other one) don't even care about the competition any more and spend more time wrestling each other off camera than they do talking about the performances!

I've been amused that Paula has basically been using the show as a vehicle for her own absurdities. Her wierdo behavior and inability to form complete sentences is what makes the show so fun. It's not just a train wreck when she opens her mouth, it's more like watching a plane crashing into a train full of cars on a boat! But I do love her. She's like a little lovable puppy that keeps peeing on the carpet.

I hope Kris Allen can rally the troops where he's from in Arkansas and miraculously pull out a win. He's very crafty and definitely the dark horse of the competition.
I just can't stand Adam Lambert... but he's really good... but I hate him.
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