Friday, May 29, 2009

Keanu Reeves Saves The World!... Again!

Has anyone ever noticed that Keanu Reeves' is always the moronic messiah?

Alex Winter teams up with Keanu Reeves in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. They become the unlikely future saviors of the galaxy. I love this movie and its underrated sequel.

In Bogus Journey the dumbnamic duo re-teams to literally cheat death so that they can fulfill their density.

Okay so now we start to enter the land of Keanu the techno hero in a nice suit. In Johnny Mnemonic, he's THE ONE who has to carry vital information to save the world from an epidemic. He does this by wearing a nice suit, sitting in a chair and downloading the information into his big empty head.

Of course in all 3 Matrices, Reeves wears a nice suit and is THE ONE... He enters the Matrix, by sitting in a chair and sticking a huge probing adapter into his vacuous melon.

You see when you enter the matrix, you appear as your "Residual Self Image" which is basically a subjective view of oneself. Apparently every thinks they should be wearing a designer trenchcoat and sunglasses.

(Reeves has a natural talent for appearing more wooden than the chairs he sits in.)

The movie Constantine is kind of a mash up between the Matrix and the Devil's Advocate... let's just call it "Johnny Demonic" for argument's sake... Keanu is THE ONE who has to save the world from evil by sitting in a chair while wearing a nice suit and stabbing himself with a huge probing... light bulb? So that he can enter the hell matrix and cheat death from aliens.

The Day The Earth Stood Still - Reeves sits in a chair then cheats a lie detector test. He then puts on a nice suit that he needs to wear in order to save the earth from a giant bubble and a swarm of tiny robot bees.

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