How could America vote off the best singer in the competition??? The elimination of Pia Toscano is a big enough upset for even me to quit watching American Idol!
I'm convinced the voters must all be smoking crack in order to have voted her off and keep the lame country, microphone flautist Scotty "McDreary."

American Idol has officially OFFICIALLY jumped the shark after this unforgivable moment. This show has always been about likability and vocal talent. They've really offset the ratio by voting for talentless teenyboppers and putting the actual musicians in jeopardy. It just goes to show that you really don't need ability or even good looks to make it in the music biz. The remaining contestants are a bunch of interchangeable garbage faces and Casey Abrams. Let me know who wins, cuz I ain't watchin' no more.
This must be a pretty ambitious blog if you're watching American Idol for source material.