Saturday, April 23, 2011

American Industry

Last night I noticed about 5 songs that were by former American Idol contestants in the background while I was dining out at a restaurant. It's become quite apparent that AI has taken over the music industry. It's a no brainer -- The acts have already been "focus group" tested by the American public. At this point all they have to do is get packaged and marketed. It's become quite apparent that AI has taken over the music industry.

The last thing you want to do as a contestant on American Idol is to actually win the competition! It seems there are only 2-3 winners that have stuck around. Most of the airwaves are polluted with the castoffs and we rarely even hear about the winners. Where is Fantasia Barino these days? Probably hanging out with Taylor Hicks at Euro-Disney.

In my experience, you'll be hard pressed to find anyone in the entertainment industry willing to take a risk these days. Almost every song you hear on the radio has been put though the same "hit making" mill, which continuously churns out frothy, forgettable pop. Even Bon Jovi is pumping out country hits. When the hell did that happen? I suppose it's the only way to stay relevant for some. Most industry folk will only go for the "sure thing." This also explains why every single movie that comes out today is either a remake, a sequel, based on a comic book, novel, TV show, toy, a theme park ride, a cartoon carrot, a talking toupee, a popsicle stand, a dog & pony show, a salad dressing, etc. etc. etc.

All safe bets. Where are the original ideas? Where are the "Ghostbusters" of today!?

Our world today lacks vision and needs a great big fucking pair of bifocals.

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