Monday, June 22, 2009

It Won't Rain All The Time...

So we're in a recession. We may even be in a depression. It's late June and here on Long Island it's rained for 22 days straight. It may sound pretty sucky but it's times like this that make me more motivated than ever. If only people were more like me. :) On second thought, I'd hate to be sitting behind me in a movie theater.

What I mean to say is that it has to get better from here. Am I right?

So what to do? Write a song, or make a painting, or write a blog. Reconnect with the people that matter in your life. Your family and your real friends are the ones who will support you through anything. Associate with those who crave joy and success rather than commiseration and chaos. Breathe the fresh air and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Be honest with yourself, and everyone around you. Be open to what the universe hands you. Be resourceful.

It's unfortunate what other people may do in desperation. It's been my experience lately that they often make things worse for themselves and everyone around them. Lift your friends up instead of dragging them down with you. If you are on your back laying on the ground, you can look up at the sky and know that there is infinite possibility right in front of you.

It's important to maintain the integrity of your character. You may be surprised at how fast people seem to change when faced with adversity. People will show their true colors, and a lot of the time, those colors suck.

People respect when you stay true to character. If you have no respect for yourself, nobody else will respect you either.

Though times are tough, and it may seem that there is no end to these dismal days, keep your chin up because it won't rain all the time.


  1. Seems to be inspired by "The Crow". Love the sentiment and agree with it fully.

  2. Yes, the song from the crow was definitely in my head when I wrote this.

  3. Just awesome!! Very well said, Ari. Wish more ppl thought like you!!!
