Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The GaGa Saga - Round 2

Dyami wrote:

Nice post. Hope it drives traffic and further talk. That said, if we were debating I'd win because I don't see how you've disproved my point, which I'll re-state here:

 Pop Music - The music is irrelevant (to make Lay Gaga relevant, which she probably is, you've called here a "singer/songwriter who unapologetically forgoes coffeehouse angst ridden folk music". Yep. She's more than a Pop artist. If she was all pop, she'd be all crap). Pure pop artist are about the show, the entertainment. Not the music.

To diverge from my point, and explain my reasoning, as a non-professional musician I will re-state that what's important to me is if I enjoy it. Nothing else. I can respect Lady Gaga for many things but she don't float my boat.

By the way, it's Pearl Jam, Frank Zappa, Tito Puente & Vaeda.

As I stated in my previous post, we were sure to hear again from my good friend Dyami (follow his blog here -> The Penultimate Woodshop) about my beloved GaGa. I really have to thank him for igniting a fire in my belly about this issue and inspiring me to start posting again. I haven't been this fired up with angst about something since they stopped selling cheez waffles at my local 7-11!

So Pop music is purely about what you see than what you hear, eh? This is an absurd statement, since music is to be heard. Where does one get to SEE a show on the radio? What you're describing is pure entertainment, which could probably only best be demonstrated as... I dunno, a chimp in a suit, riding a bike...

But even still, you'd have to train the damn thing, and I'm sure there's an art to that... This has nothing to do with music.

If it's music we're talking about then the fact of the matter is: Pop connects with the largest audience. Plain and simple. That is what makes Pop(ular music) popular. To me, your statement is fatally flawed regarding the subject of debate... thus making me the winner by default! :)

I'm not going to argue that you should like her music, but I am going to discuss the inconsistencies in your approach.

Now you may say that all Pop music is successful because it's the "least common denominator." With that I would tend to agree that this happens more often than not. But in rare cases, you actually find an artist, like GaGa, who can extend her reach beyond the depths of mediocrity by actually connecting with the masses by providing music that is both good AND popular. Again, the greatest example of a group that was able to do that (and there really are a precious few) would be The Beatles. Is GaGa's music as good as The Beatles? Fuck no. But I think my point here is clear.

Regarding music in general you've stated that "as a non-professional musician... what's important to me is if I enjoy it. Nothing else." I can accept that you don't enjoy her music, though there is the insinuation that because I am a professional musician that is the only reason why I do. This is where you have painted yourself into a corner, my friend. Sure, I am able to relate to her on that level but one needn't be a musician to get down with GaGa. I would imagine that most of her fans are non-professional musicians... and/or as gay as a Summer scarf... but that's neither here nor flair.

With my expertise, I am only able to intellectualize and explain WHY she has such musical mass appeal. Nothing else.

Just as all tall buildings must have a reliable structure so that they can stand; or how all visual arts have universal principles of design that dictate what one is likely to find pleasing to the eye; or even how great cuisine requires knowledge of flavor proportions: -- music follows the same basis in method. The most irresistible foods are those that can be fundamentally expressed as a balance of fat, salt and sugar. If you mix those three components elegantly along with skill and understanding, you will please most palates with the tastiest of treats.

This is Pop music.

Like Pop, pie can suck or pie can be orgasmic. Granted one also needs protein and fiber to survive, and that's why every once in a while it's nice to eat a big hearty piece of GaGa Pop Pie.

So, everything that I mentioned in my last post (i.e. her excellent production value, skillful songwriting, strong melodies, lyrical content, infectious rhythms etc.) ARE the very reasons WHY people find music enjoyable... whether they perceive it or not.

This is why a select few producers, engineers, mixers, instrumentalists, songwriters get paid millions of dollars to do what they do... because they make recordings and create sounds that are enjoyable for most people's ear holes in any given genre. Though any of these professionals would be the first to tell you that they've "polished a few turds" in their time just for a payday, but again - GaGa is someone who rises above in her standards.

AAMJ001016 by you.

(Frank Zappa was extremely popular at being unpopular. A genius in every way, he was a pioneer who I'm sure made it easier for people like GaGa to exist in the mainstream. There are even those who would discount GaGa's artistic legitimacy simply because of the fact that she's overcome obscurity. What is wrong with connecting with millions? It just means more people like your work! What was Zappa's most commercial success and considered his masterpiece? That's right, "Joe's Garage!" He connected with most people with the music on that album because he sarcastically wrote in a POP rock format. Writing in a fashion that connects to the masses is truly a gift and a musical art form. Zappa was an artistic virtuoso... but I digress.)

Fundamentally I just think her music sounds great and I find her to be... cool. Her sound sucked me in right away because it was catchy and bold. Upon further investigating I became intrigued after seeing her on television all suited up in her unconventional duds, challenging audiences with her provocative performance pieces and constantly defying her interviewers with witticisms. I was sold once she revealed that she got her name from the song "Radio Ga Ga" by Queen.

queenradiogagapro359906 by you.

On this subject I am winding down as I think I've thoroughly illustrated my position on what I consider quality music. I don't want to over inflate GaGa's stature (not that she needs any help) but I absolutely have to give her credit where it's due.

Thanks again to Dyami for his contributions and his nod to my favorite band... Vaeda!

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