Read on... I just love how it becomes a sauce-fest. There's more to come, I'm sure.
I just remembered I am going to see Lady Gaga tomorrow night so we will not be able to attend the festivities that were planned at el casa de tu.
No sweat. See a catch crappy artist. Get in the vibe. Enjoy what is sure to be a amusing & entertaining show.
not quite sure how to decipher your email. You don't want to catch me on a rant about Gaga... because I'll take you down.
Yeah. In my opinion her music is useless, much as crap is (though if you burn dried crap it will make fire). That said, I do see the entertainment value in her. I find her an amusing personality and I'm sure she puts on a amusing & entertaining show. She reminds me of Madonna. I also have little use for her music but she's entertaining as hell (or at least used to be).
Your ears must be old shriveled and completely vestigial. Remind me never to discuss relevant pop music with you since it would be like trying to explain picasso to stevie wonder.
Have a great day!
You've made a mistake. Pop music by definition is irrelevant. Give me rock, or any other of many interesting sub-genres and I'm game. Any genre that can allow Ace of Base, Kris Kross & Sean Combs to rise to the top is clearly not based on the quality of the music. Some of them may be good showman or businessmen, but you couldn't pay me to listen to any of them.
D - Downer,
First of all I'd like to say that I find it tragic that it pains you should anyone derive enjoyment out of something you disagree with. That being said, your argument is as flimsy as Richard Simmons. If you've ever seen "The Devil Wears Prada," then you'll appreciate the fact that I'm about to "Meryl Streep" you about the color blue...
The three artists you name -- one being a hip hop producer (Sean Combs), one being a rap group - kris kross, only one of which is a true pop artist - Ace of base. These groups all stem from the early to mid 90's with only Sean Combs staying relevant, purely through, association, reality tv and business saavy -- not musical ability. Biggie Smalls getting killed was the greatest thing to ever happen to Diddy (aka Sean "Puffy [Puff Daddy {p-diddy}]" Combs) I hate to tell you, but there have been at least 1 or 2 outstanding pop artists since then. This only further illustrates my point that you've stopped listening along the way. Which I'm sure you don't disagree with but it's absolutely crippled your ability to appreciate, acknowledge or even perceive artistry in Pop.
Yes, there have been horrible Artists and Eras in Pop, but you're only turning a blind eye on Third Eye Blind (pop-rock) or Limp Bizkit (nu-metal), or Nickelback ('modern rock' aka 'beer and lifestyle rock' aka 'pure shit') , or Creed (alt-christian rock)... Creed who incidentally gained popularity because they sounded (to the casual music consumer) like Pearl Jam (grunge / altrock). :) All these bands obviously fall under the umbrella of "Rock," which I would never completely disregard because of a few shit artists.
You mention Madonna, fair enough, but not quite the same. On the surface, of course there is the obvious parallel but Madonna never wrote a hit song on her own (since Lucky Star), nor can she play a lick on any instrument. She fakes playing guitar sometimes, because she's a fake musician and she's half the singer Gaga is. They are both brilliant at marketing themselves, but once again when Madonna emerged on the scene there were countless comparisons to Debbie Harry and Marilyn Monroe. It's all the same noise, but Gaga is something quite unique. To my ears, the quality of her music production (sound) alone is by far head and shoulders above and beyond the state of the art in recording and she actually co-produces her own music...
You don't give a shit, you say?
Ok then, take her musical ability - she performs/sings live (something no other pop artist would be caught dead doing these days), she's a phenomenal pianist and does countless interpretations of her own music which all could be and have been viable radio hits.
So fuckin' what?
Ok then, her songwriting alone eclipses any other artist in pop today. She brings a fresh perspective with ACTUAL songs (in the truest sense), melodies, rhythms and yes, lyrics. She's a singer/songwriter who unapologetically forgoes coffeehouse angst ridden folk music for the more profitable and accessible world of Pop. She adheres to the art of songwriting and has actually reinvigorated the world of today's music. Her songs have been interpreted in any number of the rock sub-genres that you've mentioned - and they all sound fantastic (except for 30 Seconds to Mars' version of Bad Romance... but that's just because Jared Leto is a bit of a douche) which is the mark of a great songwriter.
Again, she can have just as compelling a performance with an enormous production behind her or completely alone with a keytar. She's not a poser, it's not all lobster hat gimmicks... although that's incredibly amusing and all of her own invention and artistic collaboration.
Irrelevant? Most artists are copying her already.
You say that her music is "useless" which only reminds me of your utilitarian nature for everything. I suppose if you could build a shed with her music, you'd find value in it... Just as I'm sure that by now you can re-shingle your house with pearl jam cds. :)
The very fact that you and I have equal and opposite feelings regarding her and her music only proves that she is a relevant, powerful personality and compelling artist. If you want to dismiss her as "pure entertainment" that's your prerogative though completely inaccurate. She is culturally relevant in that she challenges viewers and takes a few pages out of Andy Warhol's playbook. Andy Warhol, of course being the face of "Pop Art." Like it or not, she's the only true "Rockstar" in these modern times, and the world of music hasn't seen the likes someone like her since Madonna/Michael Jackson. I don't think this is a point worth arguing.
Frankly, I don't give a crap that you think she's crap, it just comes off as a ill-informed pompous posturing.
I only ask that there be a 24 hr radio silence (as you prepare your saucy retort) regarding this because I prefer you didn't poop on my gaga parade as I gracefully withhold my comments about pearl jam. Comments like their first 2 albums are the only good ones and they've probably had about a dozen half way decent songs since then -- not to mention the fact that I don't think I could stomach watching another concert of theirs as they perform with 2% of the passion they once had. :P
If we continue to have these weekly arguments, I'm going to ask you to co-host my podcast! Also, thanks for giving me more fodder for my blog!
Nice post. Hope it drives traffic and further talk. That said, if we were debating I'd win because I don't see how you've disproved my point, which I'll re-state here:
ReplyDeletePop Music - The music is irrelevant (to make Lay Gaga relevant, which she probably is, you've called here a "singer/songwriter who unapologetically forgoes coffeehouse angst ridden folk music". Yep. She's more than a Pop artist. If she was all pop, she'd be all crap). Pure pop artist are about the show, the entertainment. Not the music.
To diverge from my point, and explain my reasoning, as a non-professional musician I will re-state that what's important to me is if I enjoy it. Nothing else. I can respect Lady Gaga for many things but she don't float my boat.
By the way, it's Pearl Jam, Frank Zappa, Tito Puente & Vaeda.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't Lady GaGa that gave Greyson a record deal, he was featured on the Ellen DeGeneres show, who signed him as the first artist on her new record label. However, Lady GaGa did give Greyson a personal phone call while he was on Ellen's show praising his talent.
ReplyDeleteCait, Thanks for the update!