Their mysticism apparently worked on the Grammy Academy having just won the Album of the Year award. I see right through AF's pretense. It's much like the emperor's new clothes, except everyone could clearly see the emperor's balls. Arcade Fire has no balls... they have tantrums on stage that people mistake for defiance.

One day their luster will wear and people will see that what they were really listening to was just a shiny turd... featuring the accordion! While I'm on this topic, I might as well bash all of the "indy rock" hipsters. I'm all for independent music, but this concept is lost on the hipster crowd. It's a conundrum -- people get so upset whenever their favorite indy band gets popular or "sells out." How else does anyone expect to keep hearing music from these "unknown" bands unless they make some sort of living and continue to make music. You can't have it both ways.
Their attitude exceeds their talent. I get annoyed when I see the indie rock equivalent to a pop star who is also undeserving of elevated status. It's hyperbolically and inversely ironical. Arcade Fire approaches the Indie rock event horizon, whereby the smaller the audience, the cooler they are -- at one point, not only will the band be the SIZE of its audience, it will actually BE it's own audience.
The hipsters love them because they secretly fantasize about sneaking up on stage with them and blending in with the over 400 band members, in the hopes that while they beat their ladle on a pot (out of time), they can get caught between some of the snarky looks that the guys in AF constantly shoot each other while performing. Won't that just feel so cool!
Moreover, they can go suck an egg.
Yes. You've captured the hipster/indie sean. Hope they like their eggs.