Legendary guitarist, Eddie Van Halen, has the unique and profitable ability to combine musical virtuosity with catchy hooks along with infectious rhythms. There may be an undeniable formula involved in their rock song alchemy, but it just seems to work so well every single time.
Most hard rock bands fall into the common trap of shredding for the sake of shredding and completely miss the mark of musicality in their overly technical wank fests. The concept of "serving the song" is not lost on EVH. His recorded guitar parts, tasteful chord changes and solos are always well thought out and arranged to raise the interest of a section or increase the excitement of the moment. He's groovy and flavorful, while periodically reminding the listener of how impossibly skilled he is with every last tap-tap-tap-wiedly.

A frontman captivates audiences with his antics and generally carries the show with his personality. DLR fills this role perfectly as he is a complete jackass and the consumate showman. Whereas a lead singer is generally in a band that carries them (i.e. Van Halen; Gary Cherone Era).
There is a dynamism and duality in the lyric vs the music in "Tattoo" which actually brings out a, dare I say it, significant range of emotion from pride, to humor, to nostalgia, to melancholia.